Fruit and vegetable extracts are undoubtedly one of the few healthiest diet intakes available to us. But when it comes to juice that helps reduce unwanted belly weight, low-calorie carrot juice is second to none. Considering this, we are going to discuss the benefits of carrot juice for weight loss in this blog post.
Carrot juice is a real nutrition powerhouse that provides sufficient amounts of antioxidants and plenty of other useful health content. For instance, it provides an excellent combination of vitamin A, potassium, calcium, carotenoids, vitamin K, and manganese. As a result, this extract provides the right combination of flavor and nutrition.
Plenty of weight loss juice recipes available online makes it difficult to find out what the ultimate option is to consider in this choice. However, with increased nutritional content and low-calorie formula, fresh carrot juice helps you significantly remove unwanted fat from your body.
Carrot Juice & Weight Loss: Scientific Research
Nothing can replace workouts and physical activities when it comes to weight loss and maintaining a balanced shape of the body. However, diet counts a lot when it comes to complementing the overall effect of those activities.
You do not benefit from workouts if you continue to consume junk food without calculating the fat content. This is where carrot juice can significantly help you in maintaining the desired body shape by getting rid of unwanted fats from the body.
Lots of studies have been conducted throughout the globe to analyze the effect of ingredients usually found in carrots on weight loss. A study in 2015 concluded that vitamin A helps alleviate belly fat. In addition, it also helps your body get rid of visceral fat which improves cardiovascular health significantly.
Another study in 2017 associated beta-carotene, antioxidants, and vitamins with fat loss. It also relates their importance in terms of heart health. Additionally, a sufficient deficiency of vitamin A intake can cause obesity and metabolic syndrome. Consequently, you need a sufficient amount of vitamin A to prevent such things.
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Another study conducted in 2016 also yields similar results. When it comes to antioxidants and vitamins, carrot juice is one of the most crucial things that help you obtain the desired output. As the primary source of carotenoids, carrot juice helps activate fat cell metabolism Moreover, carotenoids are an important source of enhanced fat oxidation and decreased adiposity.
Today, where soda and other sugary beverages are widely promoted and are must-have components of our daily routine, carrot juice is undoubtedly an excellent alternative to consider. In this way, you will have the desired effect of beverages without compromising your health. Instead, it will improve your capacity to fight obesity and improve the overall shape of the body.
How Multiple Carrot Types Help Your Body?
There are multiple varieties of carrots available in the markets near you, depending on the region of your stay. You may consider the following health benefits:
Orange-Colored Carrots
Orange-colored carrots are rich in beta-carotene which helps the body in preventing cancer-related diseases. These carrots are full of antioxidants and help the body in washing away unwanted chemicals. You can also obtain a massive amount of vitamin A by drinking the extract or eating raw carrots.
Heart-Friendly Carrots
Yes, you heard it right! Some carrot types are particularly effective at improving your cardiovascular health. Purple-Colored carrots are rich in anthocyanins and other related compounds that are nothing less than a blessing for improving the health of your body.
In addition, these types of carrots also contain a sufficient supply of Lutein, a compound that is highly beneficial for maintaining healthy eyes. Resultantly, you will enjoy improved vision and better eye protection.
Weight loss and improved health are not the only benefits of carrot juice. A variety of recipe combinations also enhances the desirability of carrot juice as a preferred choice. Let’s discuss some possible combinations you can use to enhance the nutritional value of the carrot extract.
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Carrot Juice Recipes You Must Try
After discussing some amazing facts about carrot juice, this is the perfect time for us to discuss some fruitful recipes that you must try.
Combination of Carrot and Apple
The first thing you must consider before trying any other recipe is to consider mixing carrots and apples in the juicer. The mixture is going to benefit against cancer besides improving the health of your hair skin and hair.
Addition of Ginger
Ginger is certainly a component that enhances the immune system of our body. It provides an excellent source of biotin and antioxidants that are helpful for you in many ways. Ginger can be added separately or combined with carrots and apples.
Blending Green Apples With Carrots
Adding small quantities of spinach to the mixture of carrots and green apples would further enhance the nutritional value of the juice. The green pigment of the extract symbolizes how fruitful the recipe is in terms of health benefits and weight reduction. Moreover, you can add ginger for enhanced health benefits.
Combination of Celery, Carrots, and Apple
This combination is highly fruitful in getting rid of pathogens and other disease-causing agents. It also enhances the capacity of the digestion system for improved digestion. Besides, the mixture of celery, carrots, and Apple is also beneficial for improved functionality of adrenals.
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Carrots and Beetroot Juice
If you do not want to decrease the sweetness of carrot extract, you can try adding some beetroot for enhanced flavor. In this way, you will relish the taste besides enjoying the healthy content of the juice.
Carrots and Citrus Juice
Last but not least, the mixture of carrot and citrus juice is highly beneficial for the skin besides serving the primary purpose of weight reduction.
Is Carrot Juice the Only Thing That Can Help You Reduce Weight?
While there can be no alternative to workouts and physical activities for getting the desired body shape, low-calorie carrot juice complements the overall effort aimed at reducing body weights. Besides using the right quantities of carrot juice, using the best juicer for carrots is also highly important for obtaining the desired results.
Carrot juice is one of the crucial things that can help you improve your overall health and body shape by reducing weight. It is an important source of providing antioxidants, vitamin A, carotenoids, calcium, and many other healthy compounds.
However, the desired benefits cannot be enjoyed without utilizing the best juicer that does not destroy the nutritional value of the extract.